Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A New Beginning

God says in Isaiah, “I am about to do a new thing, don’t you see it?”

Change is not neat and predictable. Change is messy. Change is challenging and uncomfortable. 7 out of 10 change efforts fail to achieve their intended results.

The ability of leaders to be adaptable is vital to change.

The good leader is adaptable and can navigate change successfully. Leaders drive change through being personally adaptable and exhibiting the right change behavior.

The manager must personally adapt, and confidently communicate a strategy for change to team members.

Good leaders delay implementation until there's a common vision among key team makers. They create dialogue and debate to foster buy-in.

Change leaders build a network of leadership for change. They spend time in meetings, listening and addressing concerns.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Word From Wayne on Christmas

I attended a wonderful Christmas concert recently. The words of the angels announcing the birth of Jesus took on new meaning for me. The angels spoke of good news of great joy for all people. Jesus came to bring us joy. Yet, it’s a quality of often lacking among many Christians.

Lately I’ve been visiting with a lot of believers. I’ve been disappointed that so many are bitter, a little angry, fearful and despairing. This should not be!

During advent we highlight Love, Hope, Joy, Peace. As we experience God’s Love demonstrated through Jesus, we have Hope since Jesus is the giver of abundant life and eternal life. As we hope in Him, we have Peace: Peace with God and the Peace of God.

Peace is the inward quality of a person who trusts God. Joy is the outward manifestation of our relationship with God. Of all people, Christians have the least reason to be bitter, angry, fearful and despairing. And we have every reason to be filled with Love, Hope Joy, and Peace.

My life verse is Psalm 16:11: “You have shown me the path of life. In your presence is fullness of Joy. At your right hand are pleasures forever.”

Jesus invited us: “Ask and you will receive, that your Joy might be full.”
Paul said: “Rejoice in the Lord always.” And then for emphasis, he added: “I say it again: Rejoice.”

And Christians in the 1st century had it much worse than most of us today.

So, this Christmas, spread the tidings of great joy which is for all people. Spread “Joy to the world—the Lord has come!”

As a follower of Jesus, let this season be a time when you radiate Joy to a hurting, hate-filled, fearful, despairing world. And take that spirit through the year. What a contrast to the rest of the world if followers of Jesus were to demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit: JOY.

May you experience the love, joy, hope and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ as you celebrate His birth.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Leading Change

I've observed two mistakes for organizations in transition.

One--the organization is so ingrained in the past , it's ineffective to the current generation. The other, leadership is so neglectful of tradition, they miss building on what's gone before.

A successful corporate leader told a small group recently: "We drink water from wells dug by those who went before us." There are benefits of standing on the shoulders of those who preceeded us. However, it`s very hard to get any work done in that position.

Seriously, we need to build on the past but not live in the past. I like the old motto from Youth For Christ years ago: "Anchored to the Rock; Geared to the times."

Wayne Gretsky was asked what made him a great hockey player. His response: "I don't skate to where the puck is. I skate to where the puck is going to be." May God help us with the foresight to move forward in that way.