Thursday, September 22, 2011

Failure is a great option

Thomas Edison is known for his many successes. But for every successful product, there were thousands of scrapped failures. However, each failure was a learning step to ultimate success.
So, don’t waste a good failure. We can learn from our failures.

I should be very successful. I’ve had many lessons from the college of hard knocks.

Paul the 1st Century Apostle talked about all the wonderful experiences as a leader, but then said there were these thorns in the flesh that kept him from becoming too proud. He concluded that when we are weak, God’s strength shows up in weak people. We should be happy about our failures knowing God works all things for the good of those who love Him and are the called according to his purpose.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Take It From the Top

Top-down management is not a popular management style. We prefer a more interactive, participative, bubble-up style. However, there are some things that must come from the top.

For example: Mission—who are we? What’s our purpose? We need to put it in words for everyone to know and understand.

And values: What do we stand for? What’s important to us in the way we operate and treat others?

Mentoring: Do we have a plan for replacing people when they move up or move on? Have we identified the next generation of leaders? Are we preparing them for future leadership roles?

And intervention: Are we willing to make the hard calls to move people out who don’t fit?

Paul, the 1st Century Apostle gave this top-down counsel: Follow me in the same way I follow Christ.

--Wayne Pederson


Thursday, September 08, 2011

Where were you on 9/11?

Where were you on September 11, 2001? On that 9/11, I was involved in a meeting of National Religious Broadcasters. Erwin Lutzer was keynote speaker. As we learned of the tragic attacks in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, we gathered the group and Dr. Lutzer began to teach of St. Augustine’s “City of God” vs the “City of Man”. This world is not our home. The City of God is real and permenent.

Our world has changed since then. One can’t get on an airplane without thinking how our world has lost its innocence. And the attacks on our nation transformed America from the great benefactor of the world to a country fearful and suspicious of our international colleagues. Many call them “the enemy”

However, many mission organizations have chosen to not view people in these nations as enemies. Jesus taught to love our enemies and pray for those who despise us. He gave us the ministry of reconciliation.

In the last few years, HCJB Global has re-doubled efforts to proclaim the message of Christ through media and demonstrate God’s love through human care.

The verse I discovered in 9/11/01 rings true this 9/11. It’s Psalm 91:1. “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

In fact, all of Psalm 91 is a statement of God’s shelter and protection. It might be good reading and reflection on this 911.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Your bank balance: 86,400

Today as a leader, you have a bank account. The balance is 86,400.

That’s 86,400 seconds.

Every day carries forward no balance or deficit.

You can’t save time. You can’t even really manage it.

Have you heard of the 80/20 rule? Twenty percent of our effort produces 80% of the results.

Eighty percent of our efforts produces the other 20%.

We need to decide which 20% of what we do, produces the 80% result; then focus on doing that 20%.

And avoid spending time on the 80% which produces little results.

We all have the same 86,400 seconds each day. Leverage your time for the highest priorities.

Lord, teach us to number our days, for the time is very limited.