Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Leadership Wisdom from the First Century

These days, a leader has plenty to worry about.  We have reasons to be discouraged or depressed.

I got a very fresh insight on the proper demeanor of leadership from Paul's letter to the Philippians.

Paul had plenty to worry about--plenty of reasons to be depressed.  But listen to this summary of what he wrote:

ALWAYS be full of joy. Let everyone see that you're considerate.

Don't worry about anything. Instead pray about everything.

Tell God what you need. Thank him for all he's done.

Then you will experience God's peace. His peace will guard your heart and mind.

Now, how's that for strong, timely leadership counsel?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Modify Your Dream

I have this quote written inside the front cover of my journal: Modify your dream; not of what you’ll do, but of who you’ll be.

I didn’t write down the author of this quote, so at the risk of plagiarism, let me expand.

People care more about your character than your accomplishments. People care more about the kind of person you are than the kind of leader you are. If you’re a great leader with a lousy personality, you won’t succeed. If you’re an average leader with character, integrity and personality, you’ll be successful.

Integrity counts.  Character counts.  People skills count.  The greatest leadership skill is people skills.  More leaders fail for lack of people skills than for lack of competency. God cares more about what you are than what you do. 

Proverbs 29 says:  When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Empowering your Team

I read this in the Harvard Business Review:

“The time has come for chief executive officers to transform themselves into chief enabling officers who enable, encourage, and enthuse employees."

As organizations downsize, they’re decentralizing their structures and allowing the team to make decisions from the ground up.  The CEO becomes a player-coach bringing out leadership qualities of the team."

Even Jesus said that His followers would accomplish greater works than He accomplished.  That’s because He trained and empowered His team to effectively change the world.

By investing in 12, then 300, then thousands, and eventually millions,  His followers continue to make an impact.

So how can you multiply your effectiveness?  Not by doing it all yourself, but by building the strength and leadership of your team.