I have to admit it: I struggle with the traditional personal prayer format. I find that when I get on my knees and begin talking to God, my mind wanders, or I end up saying the same stuff over and over--the inane, christian-eze prayers like "and I pray that you would be glorified...". I would think God must get awfully bored or even insulted.
However I've found that my best praying is when I take out my journal and fountain pen and write my prayers. It's fresh, it's specific, it's really me. So, at some risk, I'm going to share what I wrote to God today:
That He'd be honored and obeyed as Savior and Lord of my life. That He'd be real and present in all my life.
That God would be honored in all I do and say. To experience God's presence in my prayers and personal life; to know God's leading in how and where to serve Him in these last 10 years of active opportunity. To keep my heart passionate for God.
To be effectively used by God to connect people to Jesus and to teach people to lead God-centered lives. To focus on the MOST important issues; To not be institutionalized into ineffectiveness; for direction and unity in the cause and in our calling.
To love and serve Norma selflessly, passionately and joyfully; To encourage our daughters with their godly womanhood and motherhood and their important role in shaping young lives; To be a mentor and model in manhood and Christ-following to our sons-in-law; And to love with job the grandkids and to model and teach what it means to follow Jesus. That they would come to a personal, living relationship to Jesus.
To be proactive and intentional to the colleagues God has brought into my life; To learn from them and share truths I have discovered to help them as they serve Christ.
To relate to human need and love unconditionally the unloved and unlovable; To build bridged to those without Christ.
God, I love you with all my heart. May my life demonstrate that love in a thousand different ways this week. May I not get so occupied serving You that I forget about loving You.
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