Sunday, March 28, 2010

Unhurried Time with God

A malady in today’s corporate and even Christian leadership is we’re more concerned about outward appearance then we are about character.

A friend in business told me, “the more public and outward my ministry, the more important my private and inward character”.

The more leadership responsibilities I am given, the more I need to be led by God.

The busier my schedule, the more desperately I need unhurried time with God. The more people’s lives I touch, the more in touch I need to be with Christ.

Jesus Himself in his public ministry took time from the crowds withdrew to a quiet place and found strength in solitude and silence. He encouraged His followers to do the same.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


The book BLINK! proposes that for the experienced, discerning mind, first impressions are almost always the right impression.

Some call it “trusting your gut”. Others call it “instinct”, I call it “Holy Spirit-directed intuition”. God’s Spirit testifies with our spirit about what is truthful and right.

I like how the followers of Jesus in the First Century did it. The apostles were wrestling with a decision and praying for direction. Finally, Luke writes, “It seemed right to the Holy Spirit and us….”

The Holy Spirit’s guidance and our best experienced wisdom. James instructs, “if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God and He will give it.”

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

God's Design for you

A pastor friend gave me this acrostic for our God-given design:
D is our DESIRES: God created us in such a way that He can motivate our desires in our service to Him.
E is for EXPERIENCE: God uses our cumulative life experiences to prepare us for His next assignment.
S is for SKILLS: God wired our DNA is such a way that our natural skills create unique opportunities for service.
I is for INDIVIDUAL: We are unique. Our God made personality can move us into individual service opportunities.
G is for GIFTS: Besides our God-given skills, He endows us with certain spiritual gifts such as compassion, hospitality, leadership and encouragement.
N is for NICHE: There are needs and opportunities that God has specifically given for your own individual design.
God has a desire for you and for your life. Isn`t that exciting! Let`s see how God uses His unique design in you to serve Him.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Drink coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

I’m an avid coffee drinker…and I love this quote:
Drink coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

If you’ve ever had the coffee jitters, you can relate. Sometimes I run across people that are so hyper, I want to say: “Next time, pick the decaf.”

All humor aside, haste does often make waste. I’ve often done things way too fast, only to have to do it over, which takes four times as long as doing it right the first time. I need to learn to slow down, think it through and do it right.

One philosopher said: Don’t be afraid to go slowly. Only be afraid of standing still.

Paul of Tarsus said this to the people of Rome:“God’s purpose is not hit or miss, dependent on what we do or don’t do. But a sure thing determined by His decision flowing steadily from His initiative.”