Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ministry often reinforces inattentiveness to Christ.

Want to know the top 5 behaviors of high potential leaders?

The Eblin Group suggests these:

1. Proper pacing by building in regular breaks from work.

2. Less time using personal functional skills; more time encouraging team members to use theirs.

3. Manage workload so there’s time for unexpected problems or issues.

4. Focus less on day to day issues and more on strategic opportunities.

5. Regularly steps back to define or redefine what needs to be done.

I don’t know if I’m a high potential leader or not. But I do know that I need to adhere to these principles.

Good pacing, encourage others, margins, big picture and redefinition.

Listen to this advice from The Message:

God helping you: take your everyday ordinary life, your sleeping, eating, going to work and walking around life and place if before God as an offering.


Sheryl S. said...

Hmmm, I think this applies to me as a homeschool mom too :) THANKS for sharing!

John Hayden said...

Great reminders, Wayne. Thanks. Causes me to remember our team meetings at Moody. Need to catch up soon with a Skype call.