Thursday, March 03, 2011

Slow down!

The sudden departure of a major corporate CEO who cited exhaustion, has left other firms pondering the pressures they put on their top executives. Directors are starting to tell their CEOs to travel less and relax more. Corporate recruiters are factoring coping abilities and mental toughness into their assessments of potential bosses.

Even in Christian organizations, this is an issue. Christian leaders talk about working 12 hours a day, going home for dinner, and doing emails for 3 hours. That's not good life balance.

I used to hear Christian leaders say: "I'd rather burn out than rust out." But either way, you're OUT!

So why not follow the Jesus model. When he was exhausted from the press of the crowds, He withdrew to a quiet place.

Jesus said Learn from me. Slow down and learn the unforced rhythms of grace.

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