Friday, July 05, 2019

Falling, but not Broken

Falling, but not Broken
I’ve been a runner for 40+ years.  In those thousands of miles, I’ve had a few spills.  But on May 3, I was running the Santa Fe Trail in Colorado, which I’ve run hundreds of times.  This time I didn’t see a rock protruding through gravel.  I fell really hard, on my right hip.  2 runners carried me to the trail head.  My dear wife took me to the ER. 4 hours later, I was in surgery to repair a broken hip.  Next day I was sent home.  

The recovery has been slow, painful and humbling.  I’ve had to use a walker, then a cane, and now I limp.  It’s hard for a very active guy to be set aside. As painful and humbling as this has been, it’s also been an unplanned spiritual retreat!  I’ve spent many nights awake, sensing God’s presence, listening for His voice. I’ve had to acknowledge my brokenness, weakness and dependence on God.  

This long painful experience has been a blessing in disguise.  As I have more time to pray and listen to God’s voice, I’m sensing a greater love for Jesus and a greater love for the people He’s calling me to reach.  Isn’t that just like God to turn suffering into growing!


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