Did you know, effective 2010, Generation Y now outnumber Baby Boomers. Ninety six percent are part of an online social network.
It took traditional radio 38 years and TV 13 years to reach 50 million users, but iPhone applications hit 1 billion in only 9 months.
Gen Y operates much differently from Gen X.
Gen Y wants to be more supervised through feedback and review. They thrive on goals.
In a changing workplace, do you as a leader understand the more youthful worker?
You may have to change your leadership style in order to relate to a Gen Y worker?
A wise leader adapts his leadership style to fit the situation and the worker.
First Century leader Paul said he became all things to all men that he might win them.
If we’re to successfully engage the next generation, we may have to adapt to their work and learning style.
How true, nice article!
"First Century leader Paul said he became all things to all men that he might win them. If we’re to successfully engage the next generation, we may have to adapt to their work and learning style."
Wayne, I really struggle with how best to interpret / apply Paul's method. Does X need to become more like Y or do we meet somewhere in the middle? As many church youth groups try to connect with the all the "Extreme" "Ultimate" "Ignite" catch phrases and high intensity programs, 75 - 80% of the youth are turning away from Christ once they hit the college campuses.
I know a pastor who during his services, encourages the youth to text him questions about the teaching.??? I'm not sure that is quite right. When Israel came out of Egypt and into the desert, wasn't there much anxiousness, impatience and grumbling? Did God say, “Well, ok, keep the Asherah poles, it was part of the regional culture; just think about Me when you dance around it.”?
When do we become still and know that he is God?
Good day, sun shines!
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