Friday, May 07, 2010

Leadership isn't telling people what to do.

 Jana Eggers, CEO of clothing company Spreadshirt, says,  “Most people think good leadership is about making the right decisions -- but in a big organization, that's hardly ever true,” she says, “Once a company expands beyond a handful of people, the boss's real job is to look at the big picture while others make the day-to-day decisions.” 

That’s right, your job as a leader is to inspire your team to make good decisions every day. I want to hire and develop a team that doesn’t need a lot of hand-holding. So what are you doing to inspire your team to take initiative and work with an inspired attitude? What are you doing to build into the lives of others?

Jesus took a ragtag group of diverse personalities and developed them into a team that turned the world upside down.  He told them that they would do even greater works than He did in His earthly ministry. That’s good leadership! 

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